
Welcome to the world of Tojo and Nelly’s Cat Tales, and thank you for visiting our website.

My name is Maria and I am the publisher of the Tojo and Nelly book series. Tojo and Nelly are my own real-life cats, and the inspiration behind all of the stories. Having raised two children of my own and now having grandchildren as well, I am no stranger to children’s tales, and creating enthralling stories to captivate young imaginations! All of the characters in the series are based upon my own cats and my family’s and friends’ pets, and it is certainly fair to say that animals provide a never-ending source of entertainment and inspiration!

My project partners in bringing Tojo and Nelly’s Cat Tales to life are Tamara Forge, the writer of the series, and Nana Burduli, a renowned artist and illustrator whose beautifully detailed pictures accompany the stories to really bring the tales to life. Recently our Armenian artist friend Sargis Xotikyan created the animation for the Tojo and Nelly Song as well as the animation for the first book. We have all very much enjoyed creating the stories, and we hope that you and your children will gain just as much enjoyment from reading it! Tojo and Nelly’s stories are tailored towards children, but cat lovers of all ages will enjoy following the adventures of our two feline muses and their Friends.

The first series of seven books is already available in Ebooks and Print Books – including the Bumper Books with 7 stories - and we are already at the planning stage to continue the animation of the stories, the first one you find already here and on our youtube channel. To find out about our upcoming plans and new releases, and keep up to date on Tojo and Nelly’s adventures you may follow us on Twitter, YouTube or Facebook or just return to our site, where you also find free colouring pages for your kids, rhymes, videos and updates. There is also a Tojo and Nelly memory game which you can download for Free Here Please take a while to look around the rest of the website, and enjoy your visit! Do pass it on to your friends if you think they would like it, too Thank you!

My Books

Tojo Meets Nelly (Book 1)

Tojo the cat has a lovely life, so why does he feel so lonely? Yet, when he finally gets a new companion - Nelly, he feels anything but lonely! This tale of change, rivalry… and finally friendship, will warm the hearts of those reading or being read to.

Available on Amazon:

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A Purrfect Reunion (Book 2)

A Purrfect Reunion Lucy is one of life’s ‘thinkers’, she loves to analyse everything and just can’t shake the feeling that someone is missing from her life. This story confronts the challenges of loss and reconciliation, in such a sweet and friendly way. Did Tojo mention he had a sister?

Available on Amazon:

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Wookie the Wonderer (Book 3)

Wookie the dog has an identity crisis. He feels he has the suave sensitivity of a cat, but yet he sure does like a good bone. Is it possible he could just be a dog that’s a bit cattish? Maybe he’s just a cat loving dog? Tojo and Nelly won’t care either way, when Wookie saves the day!

Available on Amazon:

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The Princess and the Pirate (Book 4)

Tommy and Lilly are the best of cat friends, they live together and go to parties together. They meet fellow fancy dressers Tojo and Nelly too. Friends this close love to dress up together don’t they? Until one day Tommy learns that keeping his best friend happy, may mean a trip out of his comfort zone!

Available on Amazon:

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Be Brave, Benson (Book 5)

Be Brave Benson Benson is one of those big, brave, stripy tom cats. Every neighbourhood has one, they like to be their own boss. There are a few phobias though, that even the bravest brutes can’t overcome. On this journey we see Benson conquering his deepest fears, with a little help from Nelly.

Available on Amazon:

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Klaus and the Cat-astrophe (Book 6)

Klaus is a guard dog by heart and he just loves to guard his master’s art studio. One thing he likes to make sure of is that no one goes near the new paintings! Tojo and Nelly just happened to be passing and curious, as cats are…

Available on Amazon:

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Old Madam Mischief (Book 7)

Madame Abigail is so elderly and frail, she seems to be struggling to do the simplest of things! It’s lucky for her that Tojo and Nelly step in, to help her have a most mischievous day. She seems to have the glint back in her eye and a wide furry smile to match.

Available on Amazon:

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Bumper Book of Tojo and Nelly's Cat Tales

7 Stories in one book (Book 1 -7)

Available on Amazon: (only on Paperback)

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Free Games

Memory Game

A must have game for the entire family, based on the book series following the adventures of the two cats, Tojo and Nelly. Develop recognition and cognitive skills while having fun, discover all your favorite characters and compete for high scores with your friends and family.


* Amazing illustrations of your favorite pets

* Three difficulty levels to keep both kids and adults entertained

* Score tracking for competitive play

* Entertaining music and sound effects

* Free, without any advertisements (if you'd like to contribute, please buy our books)

Simple Cat Puzzle

It's a brain boosting game for kids.

Tojo & Nelly’s



Tojo loves life in his cosy cottage with his adopted little sister, Nelly. He likes to pretend he’s a fearsome tiger and gets them both into lots of mischief. Tojo dotes on his owner, Ben. He purrs and cuddles him like a soppy kitten, especially when no one’s watching. Tojo loves home-cooked salmon treats and sitting on the windowsill meowing loudly at the outside.


Nelly looks up to Tojo to her older brother and he takes good care of her, even if he does get them both into trouble sometimes. Nelly loves a warm evening by the fire, squabbling with Tojo about who gets to sit on Ben’s lap. She likestoys, especially Tojo’s toys, and scratching Ben’s favourite chair.


Rocky is a happy-go-lucky little pup. He loves balls even more than he loves bones and biscuits. Rocky is a bit accident prone, especially when it comes to stinging things like bees, he also likes to roll in muddy puddles and shake himself on any unsuspecting passerby.


Copper likes to know all the latest trends and pet gossip, so she can share it with he best pal, Wookie. She loves to stretch out on the posh kitchen table, shedding orange fur into the fruit bowl. She is straight talking, sassy and kind.


Lilly was rescued by Mikey from the same shelter as Tommy, and she adores him. Lilly loves fancy-dress too, and when Tommy dresses as a pirate she goes as his parrot side-kick. She never fails to make Tommy laugh his whiskers off, and she keeps him feeling young.


Tommy is a handsome old fellow who lives by the seaside with his best friend, Lilly. Tommy loves to tell young Lilly tales about the old days, and only having one eye, he loves to dress as a pirate! Owner, Mikey, rescued them from a local shelter and Tommy likes to thank Mikey regularly by brushing up against his smart black trousers.


Wookie is a pampered pooch who lives in a trendy house in the suburbs. His best friend is a cat called Copper. Wookie spends so much time with Copper that he sometimes forgets he’s a dog. Wookie likes nothing better than to curl up with his owner, Kat, with the cat. Just like a cat, he purrs loudly and contentedly, which is odd… for a dog. He chases himself too.

Madame Abigail

Madame Abigail is an elderly Abyssinian who has a pedigree as long as her tail. She lives with her retired owners and she is more than just a little hard of hearing. Sometimes what she thinks she has heard makes for some hilarious conversations. She still has a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.


Benson likes to think of himself as the king of his farmhouse. He watches over the children, Zak and James, and is never short of cuddles, games and yummy treats. Like a brave lion, Benson prowls around in the fields, until it’s time to visit the vet… then he is nowhere to be seen!


Klaus is a rough, tough security hound with a heart as soft as his fur. Klaus lives in a mountainside cabin with his owner Jimmy, who is a talented artist. Klaus loves long walks in the woods and chasing pesky cats away from his owner’s studio. Naughty Tojo and Nelly like to stroll there, just to keep Klaus on his toes.


Lucy is Tojo’s sister and lives with her owner Jane (who just so happens to be Ben’s cousin). Lucy is a big thinker and likes nothing better than daydreaming in her pretty courtyard garden. She also loves sleeping on newspapers, especially if Jane is trying to read them.


Sage is an old, wise beast. He has seen his fair share of neighbourhood catfights, and once fought in the Royal Tabby Regiment! His ears are a bit ragged and his tail a little crooked, but he has a heart of gold. Sage likes to eat herrings and nap in a rocking chair on the porch.

Free Printables

Welcome to our kids colouring pages section!

Here you can download free printable colouring pages for you and the kids!

You can also scan and submit your children’s pictures and send us the coloured-in pictures.
We’ll happily publish them here at Tojo and Nelly’s kids colouring pages section.
Email us at tncattales@gmail.com to submit the photos or you can suggest more printable colouring pages for everyone to enjoy!

Download free printable colouring pages for your children:

My Blog

Latest blog

Tojo's Sunny Nap

Tojo loves to nap in the sun more than anything else in the world. Every morning, as the sun peeked through the windows, Tojo would stretch his paws and look for the sunniest spot in the house.

One day, Tojo found the perfect spot on a soft, red carpet. The sunlight made the carpet feel warm and snuggly. Tojo stretched out his big, round belly and purred with happiness. He felt so comfy that he closed his eyes and started to dream.

In his dream, Tojo was a brave explorer, wandering through a magical land made of soft clouds and warm sunshine. He met friendly birds who sang sweet songs and butterflies that danced in the air. Tojo chased after the butterflies, his paws feeling light as feathers.

As Tojo rolled around in his sunny spot, his human family watched and smiled. "Look at Tojo, enjoying his sunny nap," they said. They knew how much Tojo loved his sunny spot, and they loved watching him so happy.

Tojo's nap lasted all afternoon. When he finally woke up, the sun was setting, and the house was filled with a cozy glow. Tojo stretched again and let out a big, contented yawn. He felt refreshed and ready for his evening adventures, which usually involved chasing shadows and playing with his favorite toys.

But no matter how exciting his adventures were, Tojo always looked forward to his next sunny nap on the warm, red carpet. Because for Tojo, there was nothing better than a peaceful nap in the sun.

And so, Tojo's days were filled with sunny naps and happy dreams, making each day a little brighter for everyone in the cozy little house.

Nelly the cat in a basket lay, 

Dreaming through the sunny day, 

With daisies dancing all around, 

In their petals, joy is found.

Old Lady McBraidy has so many cats

There’s one in her handbag and one in her hat

There’s one in the laundry and one in the bath

They sleep in the plant pots and lie on the path

There’s one on the dresser, there’s one in the drawer

Cat bowls and cat beds arranged on the floor

Cats in the windows and cats on the stairs

Young cats and old cats who have their own chairs

Why would this lady keep so many pets?

The cost of the cat food! The trips to the vets!

Well, Lady McBraidy, she fosters each one

Until their ‘forever home’ folks come along

Poem and Illustration: Tamara Forge. author of Tojo and Nelly Cat Tales

My kitty loved leaping on anything high,
Like lightning, all through the house, she would fly.
She’d climb all the curtains, using her claws.
She’d nuzzle me, kneading my lap with her paws...

But kitty’s grown old, she is sprightly no more.
She struggles to jump from a chair to the floor.
Her eyes are duller, her face has gone grey,

But Grandma tells me this change is okay.
So hush when she’s sleeping and hug her with care.
When she wants to relax she can rock in the chair.
Like Grandma, she’s reached her senior years,

But she’s still loving life, so I’m saving my tears.
I know growing old doesn’t mean being sad,
And Grandma and kitty are friends, and I’m glad.

Poem: Tamara Forge. author of Tojo and Nelly Cat Tales
Illustrator: Dmitry Abramov

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